Kristin Swan

Jul 8, 20195 min

How my Acne Healed Naturally

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

My acne journey, the products I use and how I healed my skin without medication.

I had Cystic Acne and it was a mixture between Comedones, Nodules and White Heads - all closed pimples that took months to heal. My skin type was oily, olive skin tone and enlarged pores. My pimples use to sit on the sides of my face and hurt a lot.

I was on Oratane twice and Accutane twice over the space of 8 years starting from age 16 - 24 years old. I decided to stop Oratane after 6 months at the age of 24 as my body was screaming at me. ( Just to add Accutane worked for my brother first time and he hasn't had a problem since, 13 years later). My body was damaged, back pain and joint pain and still had a bad skin, so I decided to self evaluate how I was dealing with my skin and try a gentle route.

NB - I am not a dermatologist - juuuuust love skin care. Like a lot.

See the blow ways I found to help myself:


Having a bad skin can be extremely hurtful, it can break down your self esteem and your thoughts are filled with what if? What would it be like if my skin was better, I would have more confidence etc but my girl, you are so beautiful already. Your looks are one aspect of you - not everything. So be kind to yourself. Even if you just try, okay?


I say no to toothpaste on your pimples. NO to alcohol based products - I say NO to leaving your skin feeling dry and tight, No to perfumes/ fragrances. The products that you use must help balance and hydrate your skin. They must disinfect but not strip all your natural good oils. Your skin's natural oil is the best thing for you and no product will be as good as that.

If you are a teenager and use products that are harsh and strip your skin leaving it dry, stop using it, kaaay!


Having an oily skin isn't a terrible thing - GIRLFRIEND, it means no wrinkles.

Lets chat oil - It is good but if your natural oil is excessive it could lead to acne/ pimples, here is why. Oil clogs pores and sits there - so it is dirt in a whole, OCD folk, we don't like dirt in holes - so neither does your skin!

We need to not aggravate the skin by rubby it to hard, by this you activate your oil glands and produce more oil. We could also aggravate our oil glands by stripping our face of it's natural oils, if you have an oily skin stop running away from it and read the above - NOOO wrinkles baby! By stripping the skin of its oil you are just telling your skin it needs oil and it will push out more, what a bad cycle, been there!

Things to help you with an oily skin?

1. Gel Base products (this either under your face cream or used as a face cream). I only started using the Vichy Normaderm gel when I was 24, this range is for bad skin. I have consistently bought it for the past 3 years, generally one gel tube lasts me 6/8 months. I think it is around R200.00 +- from Clicks.

ALSO - #Gel based products also close pores, and that is fabulous on its own. we need to train those pores, it's like self control on the tongue - train train train and consistency for many days to come.

2. A Face Mist that balances your PH (disinfects) level and Hydrates the skin! I use Natural Beauty face mist - I SPRAY MYSELF 2/3 TIMES A DAY, under and over MakeUp - totally in love. R90.00 - you can order it online from Natural Beauty.

3. #Hydration is so important for your skin, if you hydrate and keep it nourished it helps balance the skin! As soon as my skin isn't hydrated I break out, it never changes, just confirms my theory for my skin. I use the below from natural beauty - consistent purchase in my life - R105.00 and last up to 4+- months if you use it once a week.

4. The product I have used since I was 14 and I NEVER EVER go away without it, it is the reason why I have not scar, it was the one product that leveled my skin (not cleared tho)

#BIOOIL - such a winner. I am even done with mine, so it is time for a new bottle. One bottle lasts me less than a year or so and I use it at night (only at night), probaby 3/4 times a week.


Do you know what acne you have, do you know what type of skin you have, do you know what is in your products, do you change your products all the time and never allowing your skin to settle? How often do you wash your skin and why? When do you wash your skin and why do you do what you do? Was it because someone said you must or because it works for you? Know your skin - it is empowering and shouldn't be expensive. Listen to your body in a non spiritual way. It is like when you know you are thirsty...

5. MOMS! New moms, Moms that have been moms for everrrrr and a day ( We love you and this one is for you)

I know your skin is breaking out because of your hormones have gone cray and on top of not recognising yourself as your body has changed, your marriage is different and you love someone so much you just want to cry - but now your skin has broken out... like you need more! See the below for some help,

1. Be Patient and Kind to yourself, things are new and this acne or break out does not mean it is forever. Allow your body to settle with healthy eating and lots of water.

2. Moms with toddlers and up, kids hands are everywhere and what do they love doing? Touching your face? I suggest to my moms to keep a bottle of Misceller Cleansing Water or a lovely #GENTLE toner with cotton pads next to your bed and when you finally get to bed, face first hitting the pillow like you haven't slept in a year, try sit up and cleanse your face, you will feel better too. Nothing like a clean face - hello!

3.Breast milk - use it! We don't need to go into detail - you know the benefits.

So this is my 5 cents and what I have found works. I hope you start getting to know what your skin needs and understand your skin a little more.

Let me know on Instagram what you think

Your friend,

Kristin Swan
